A small tabby kitten named Candy Cane was in agony and terror when she came to the Blue Cross shelter. Her narrative started with heartache—a damaged eye that made her shaky and exposed. The Blue Cross staff started her path to recovery and a loving home since they realized they had to move quickly.
From Afraid and Hurt to Well and Loving

Since Candy Cane’s damaged eye could not be repaired, the only way to lessen her pain was to have it removed. Her pain eventually decreased after the successful surgery at Blue Cross Victoria Animal Hospital. Despite losing one eye, she was given the opportunity to start over. After her suffering was relieved, Candy was put in a foster home where she would gradually start to heal on both a physical and emotional level.
“This little lady is very nervous of the world and has gone off to one of our amazing carers to recover from her surgery and also to learn that life doesn’t always have to be scary,” the Blue Cross staff wrote on Facebook when they posted her story.
A Path Back to Trust

Candy Cane’s mental wounds were severe, despite the fact that her physical rehabilitation was progressing nicely. Enter Wendy Penfold, a kind foster mother who took on the task of reestablishing Candy’s faith in others. Candy’s emotional healing was based on Wendy’s tolerance and unwavering love.
Wendy noted that Candy was extremely anxious and had lost faith in people when she came to her. Candy started showing indications of improvement gradually. She hid when Wendy first walked in, but she quickly developed an interest in the room and even stayed close to observe her foster mom’s moves.