Dawn Firestone tells a heartwarming tale about Rocky, her tiny kitten. He was in such terrible shape that Dawn found him that he was unable to even open his eyes. Few people thought he would live because of his dire condition. Kind-hearted Dawn took him in and assured him that if he lived, he would have the best life.
The Battle for Life

Rocky had a difficult childhood. “He was barely breathing when I got him,” Dawn adds. Every ten to fifteen seconds, he would take a sharp breath. “If you make it, I guarantee I would give you the best life ever,” I told him at the time. And after a while he began meowing a little. As the young kitten struggled to eat, Dawn had to constantly drip milk into his mouth. Rocky started to get better in spite of these obstacles.
Indices of Advancement

Rocky got stronger over time. He started eating formula and some wet food by himself, often splattering it all over his face. He made great strides because to his perseverance and Dawn’s careful attention to detail. Dawn became even more concerned when she saw that Rocky’s hindquarters sagged whenever he attempted to walk.