On the first day of The View, co-host Ca¿dace Owes and longtime co-host Joy Behar apparently got into a heated argument that resulted in a violent altercation that preceded the set. It was anticipated that Oweÿs would bring a new viewpoint to the show with her keen wit and filtered views, but few people took part, and the situation would grow to the point where it became a public controversy between her and Behar.

According to sources from the set, the scene was “fiery” as the two fought about different opiÿios or hot-bŅtto¿ issues, with both of them referring to back down. A heated argument that threw spectators and production workers off guard turned into more than just a verbal altercation. Owe and Behar apparently reached a breaking point that disrupted the broadcast, but it’s still common for the co-hosts of The View to engage in lively disputes.
According to sources, the conflict started because of a segment that dealt with a sensitive political issue. Oweÿs, known for her conservative and outspoken opinions, adopted a stance that was very different from Behar’s more liberal viewpoint. It became evident as they dug more into the dispute that neither was willing to give up. What began as a typical argument turned into a heated argument as the two began to argue and each tried to make their point.