Who said a bear weighing 280 pounds couldn’t have a personality? Well, one furry companion that is presently going viral on the internet sure does.
Hundreds of animals occupy vast spaces at the Olympic Game Farm in Washington, where the bear resides. It’s unclear exactly how he got to the farm; it’s possible that he was saved from a zoo and was unable to return to the wild. At least he can live his life as he pleases here. People occasionally come to the farm to view the magnificent animals.
like the female character in this tale. She chose to wave when she spotted the bear. His answer? Fantastic, fantastic.
In addition to seeing species they might not otherwise be able to view in their natural habitat, visitors come to the farm to learn more about wildlife.
One day, one of these guests was sitting in her car and simply waved to the bear. Amazingly, the bear waved back at her!
Watch the video below to witness their enchanted encounter.