Angelica was a beautiful baby with a button nose, bright eyes, and a distinctive heart-shaped port-wine birthmark on her face when she was born on May 6, 2018. Marianna Bowering, her mother, loved every aspect of her daughter’s beauty, but not everyone thought the same.
While many family members and friends appreciated Angelica’s beauty, some couldn’t help but make hurtful comments. Marianna described one of the most offensive remarks she ever saw online, where a person vilely likened Angelica’s birthmark to a burn and inquired as to whether her face had been in contact with a skillet. Additionally, hurtful words like “defect” and “hideous” were used, demonstrating the insensitivity and ignorance Marianna and her daughter had to deal with.
Marianna is determined to make sure Angelica grows up self-assured and proud of her distinctive traits in spite of the criticism. The 27-year-old mother recently made the decision to use makeup to replicate Angelica’s birthmark on her own face in an effort to acknowledge her daughter’s beauty and encourage acceptance.
Marianna told The Epoch Times, “I got the idea from vascular birthmark awareness day, where they encourage people to paint a heart on their cheeks.” I initially only painted a tiny heart, but after giving it some thought, I decided to go all out and replicate Angelica’s port-wine stain. I aspired to feel as stunning as she does.
Marianna, who was discouraged when others implied that Angelica’s birthmark could be covered up with makeup or that it might go away with time, found great meaning in the act. Despite their good intentions, their comments served only to uphold society’s damaging ideals of beauty. In favor of celebrating her daughter’s natural traits, Marianna rejected the notion that she should conceal them.
Marianna had previously drawn attention to Angelica’s birthmark. In the past, she used glitter to make it sparkle and conveyed the idea that her daughter’s individuality should be valued. Angelica’s birthmark has always been seen by Marianna and her husband as a source of pride rather than shame, and they have made every effort to make sure Angelica feels the same way.
Marianna mentioned that Angelica has been lucky, even though port-wine birthmarks can occasionally be connected to other health problems. “Thank goodness, we know Angelica is completely healthy after running tests,” she told TODAY. “We simply require routine examinations, particularly for her eyes, since glaucoma is a possibility.”
In addition to encouraging her daughter, Marianna’s efforts have contributed to a greater understanding of vascular birthmarks. Her experience serves as a potent reminder of the value of accepting oneself and our individuality.

Never allow someone to make you feel less beautiful than you are, Angelica.
Marianna, your commitment as a mother is admirable. I appreciate how you never stop telling your daughter that her birthmark is a wonderful aspect of her identity.