It can be both thrilling and terrifying to set out to accomplish your ambitions.
We can become overwhelmed by the amount of effort that lies ahead of us and overcome by the dread of failure, even while the possibility of achieving something great may fill our minds with the fantasy of success and admiration.
One 10-year-old Icelandic boy set out to construct the biggest LEGO replica of the Titanic in the world.

Brynjar Karl Bigisson has a ship obsession, you see.
He adores everything about them, and the enormous Titanic was unsurprisingly his favorite ship.
He knew everything there was to know about this ship because he had spent hours researching it online.
The thought of constructing his own Titanic became his obsession.

Brynjar said that his autism was a contributing factor in this preoccupation.
He liked to play alone because he found it harder to interact with other children.
LEGOs gave him a place to be creative and have fun while still helping him stay focused on his work.
“LEGO has been an important part of my life since a very early age,” Brynjar told Bored Panda. I was constantly playing alone due to my terrible social and communication abilities, thus LEGO bricks ended up becoming my greatest pals. I used and developed my creativity and imagination while creating with LEGO. I was too preoccupied with making something to recall feeling lonely.
Brynjar then started working on his Titanic construct.

But he couldn’t accomplish it by himself.
He asked his mother and grandfather for assistance.
“Obviously, I needed to persuade some important people in my life to assist me in building the 7-meter (26-foot)-long model,” Brynjar stated. “I worked with my grandfather, Lulli, to develop unique LEGO instructions based on the actual Titanic plans. In order to raise the funds I required to purchase the LEGOs, my mother assisted me in creating a crowdfunding page.
Brynjar worked on the replica for the next 11 months, armed with all the willpower and encouragement he needed to finish his build.

Every day after school, he would work for three to four hours.
The Titanic model was eventually finished, and the outcome is quite amazing.

Brynjar learned a lot of valuable things from this event.
“We know that if you are allowed to develop your skills through your interest, you can become stronger,” he was reported as adding. I’ve had that chance, and if I put my mind to it, I can accomplish anything today. It is crucial that I convey this message.
He decided to create a TED talk about this subject because he felt so strongly about it.
In the discussion, Brynjar outlines the three things he thinks are essential for success: having faith in oneself, assembling a strong team, and never giving up.
Brynjar’s TED talk is available below.
Don’t forget to trust in yourself and share it with anyone you believe could benefit from his message.
Because you can achieve your goals if Brynjar can.
Please tell your friends and family about this.