After someone shared a photo of an SUV on Reddit, a sign on the rear of the vehicle gained widespread attention online. The driver received applause for the message.
With the caption, “Spotted this patriot while I was driving,” the person posted a photo of the vehicle.
“This is America.”We earn wealth, not transfer it!
The driver’s message regarding wealth redistribution was embraced by many readers.
“Congrats to the man who has the courage to put this phrase on his back window! The same thing should be said or done by more people; perhaps it will reach everyone, or at least some of the numerous freeloaders who believe they should be compensated!
On the website’s Facebook page, a reader sent a comment.
By giving too much money to too many young people who are capable of working but choose not to, we are redistributing wealth. As a result, they have too much free time, and some of them run into problems. Seeing cu.ts is necessary and would undoubtedly assist with our Dr.ug issues. Not their next dr.ug d.eal, but retaining a job to put food on the table should be their top priority, someone else wrote.”Very true statements for real Americans. Every patriotic American car should have this.
There was another individual involved. Some thought that most people should get the message on their own.
“I’m not sure why leftists find it so hard to comprehend. In order for us to be productive, the government was meant to get out of our way, making this country unique. Simply put, all entitlement programs are ways to redistribute money. When Stephan Molyneux claims that government entitlement programs are a flagrant infringement on our property rights, he is absolutely correct.
Some people thought the statement was too straightforward, and one Reddit user wrote.
To be clear, we are working to eliminate the 1% of globalists, but are you okay with them accumulating all of our resources? Guys, stop using reasoning.Instead of saying, “hurr durr, f.k these cucks wanting handouts,” without fully understanding the circumstance, there is nothing wrong with adding subtlety to an argument. Everyone should aim to be self-sufficient; I don’t want any favors, but viewing things in black and white doesn’t benefit either side.