In a recent interview with Dr. Phil, Academy Award-winning actress Kathy Bates talked about her struggle with a “incurable” disease. Following her recovery from ovarian cancer, she disclosed her second experience with the disease.
“It’s no secret that I am an ovarian cancer survivor, nine years and counting,” Bates revealed. However, not many are aware that I received a breast cancer diagnosis a few weeks ago. The emotional impact was explained by her as follows: “You think American Horror Story is scary? You ought to have joined me in that room.
Bates maintained her pain private despite her previous experience, going through chemotherapy and surgery without telling anybody. “I didn’t want anyone to know, but it really took a lot out of me,” she recalled. Although Bates is cancer-free at the moment, the excision of lymph nodes has left her with lymphedema, an incurable illness that affects about 30% of breast cancer survivors.