Despite being a producer and screenwriter, Pattie Mellette is most recognized today as the mother of pop sensation Justin Beiber.

But not many people are aware of her or the difficulties she has had throughout her life.
Many people believe that Justin Bieber, a Canadian celebrity, has everything they could possibly want, making him one of the biggest stars in the world.
However, even celebrities experience problems and crises, frequently without the general public being fully aware of them. Given her difficult upbringing, it’s not surprise that Justin Bieber and his mother, Pattie Malette, have had a tumultuous relationship.
Pattie Mallette, who is French-Canadian, was born in Stratford, Ontario, on April 2, 1975. Tragically, she had an unfathomable loss throughout her early years. Sally, Pattie’s 5-year-old sister, tragically died after being hit by a car while crossing the street when she was only 2 years old. Pattie’s family and early years would be permanently impacted by this tragic incident.
Justin was born to Pattie when she was just 17 years old. Being unmarried at the time, she was accustomed to overcoming challenges. Pattie reared Justin alone in a low-income Canadian apartment, according to the Daily Mail. Her parents, Justin’s grandparents, provided her with some assistance.
Pattie claims that she had years of abuse and violence beginning when she was three years old. She clarified:
“A male babysitter, a friend’s grandfather, and kids in the neighborhood who are allegedly older than their years are among my offenders,” she claims.
She started using various drugs when she was fourteen years old. She also started stealing from stores at this time, and she was dismissed from school for igniting a bathroom fire. Unfortunately, the sexual abuse in the novel persisted. Patti details being raped on a date when she was fifteen in her book.
I experienced so many sexual assaults that it started to feel normal as the years passed. She remarked, “It’s a strange marriage—knowing something is wrong but also finding it familiar and commonplace.”