Caroline established Baby Kitten Rescue, an organization devoted to the rescue of injured kittens and newborn critical care. These vulnerable animals receive vital help from their more than 25 foster caregivers. They were approached on Instagram one day regarding Otter and Bunny, two abandoned kittens in desperate need of assistance.
Initial Difficulties
Otter and Bunny, who were just two weeks old and still in need of nursing, were discovered lacking a significant portion of their front arms. After noticing physical irregularities and attempting to bottle-feed them, the rescuer contacted Caroline. The kittens under her care started to get better after receiving the required medicine and care.
Otter’s Particular Battle
Otter was found to be at a significant risk of infection and injury because to a breach in his skull that allowed part of his brain to protrude through. A kind follower offered to create Otter a protective helmet after Caroline and her colleagues turned to social media for assistance. The helmet was surprisingly comfortable for Otter, who didn’t try to take it off or feel uncomfortable wearing it.