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Maintaining Democracy at 81
The legendary singer and performer Barbra Streisand is no stranger to controversy. She still uses her strong voice to speak out against what she sees as a threat to democracy at the age of 81.
Former President Donald Trump is Streisand’s most recent target, and she is making it plain that she will not remain if he wins the presidency again in 2024.

Trump Disliked by Streisand
As a longtime Democratic fundraiser and supporter, Streisand has never held back when voicing her disapproval of Trump. She has labeled Trump “the Liar in Chief, the Groper in Chief” and called him “so stupid” and “ill-informed.”
She bluntly stated, “I can’t live in this country if he becomes president,” in a recent interview with Stephen Colbert.
However, Streisand has already made such a big statement. Following Trump’s victory in 2016, she made the same vow as many other celebrities to flee the country. “America was great – before you were elected,” she joked at the time.
Using Music to Express Frustration
In 2018, Streisand released her 36th album, “Walls,” as a result of her dissatisfaction with Trump. This musical masterwork, which features stirring songs like “Don’t Lie to Me,” pays tribute to Trump’s despotism.
According to Streisand, she became ill from the constant onslaught of false information and wanted to use her music as a way to vent her anger. She is certain that the nation shouldn’t be misled and opposes dishonesty.

Artists as a Nation’s Conscience
In “My Name is Barbra,” her memoir, Streisand discusses the conflict between artists and politics.
She is adamant that artists act as a nation’s conscience by forcing people to face hard realities. “That’s why art is the enemy of tyrants and dictators,” argues Streisand bluntly.
Remaining and Struggling for Change
Unfortunately, in 2016, Streisand’s strong voice was insufficient to influence the electorate. After Trump was elected, celebrities like Streisand had to make the tough choice of whether to fight or leave the nation.
Some, such as talk show host Jon Stewart and comedian George Lopez, made joking remarks about moving to other nations or perhaps other planets. Others, like Chelsea Handler, understood that in a divided country, their voices and platforms were more important than ever.
Looking to President Joe Biden for Hope
Streisand finds hope in President Joe Biden after four years of gloom. She thinks the nation is on the right track and respects his honesty, integrity, and compassion. She is still worried about Trump’s possible comeback to power and the approaching elections, though. Streisand is adamant that she will not live in a nation run by a man she views as “so stupid” and “so ill-informed.”
Restoring the Nobility of Truth in a New America
Ultimately, Streisand imagines a different America, one devoid of retaliation, insults, pollution, and profanity. She adamantly believes that America won’t be genuinely great again until the dignity of truth is restored.
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