Solving puzzles, optical illusions, and quizzes has grown in popularity on the internet in recent years. We believe it has to do with our competitive society, and who doesn’t enjoy figuring out a good puzzle?
We were given puzzles to complete in the morning by our teachers at school, and they would ask for the solution at the end of the day. Therefore, we needed to think creatively and a little differently.
When we would announce the answer, it was a little uncomfortable in the classroom since everyone wanted to win!
We still enjoy challenges today, such as logic puzzles, Sudoku puzzles, and photo quizzes.
Just one person out of ten is able to solve this.
Hundreds of thousands of people have been tearing their hair out trying to figure out the puzzle in the picture below, which has been shared tens of thousands of times online.
The image depicts an elderly guy, but a dog is also concealed within. Can you find it, is the question. It turns out that this problem is difficult since just one person out of ten can solve it in less than 30 seconds.
Have you located the dog? Here are some useful tips if not. Look closely again and try to identify the areas of the person’s face that appear a little off.
Perhaps we can agree that the dog’s nose is odd if it didn’t assist you in finding him. His eyes seem a little off, and you might have also noticed that his ear is missing something.
Here’s the solution if you’re still unable to locate the hiding dog.
If you flip the image over, the dog will show up!