Ben, the husband of Dawn Firestone, was working at a port close to Newark, New Jersey, five years ago when he discovered a devastating discovery. He was used to seeing stray cats about the site, but one day a mother cat unintentionally dropped a newborn kitten fifteen feet onto a harsh concrete floor. The small kitten lay gasping for air while still clinging to his umbilical cord. Ben contacted Dawn in panic. Hoping he would make it home alive, she hurried to the scene, scooped up the cold, dead kitty, and nestled him under her blouse.
Struggling to Preserve a Life That No One Could Trust
The sight of the frail kitten fighting for each breath shattered Dawn’s heart. “I swear I’ll spoil you like a king if you make it,” she said when she eventually brought him home. Within a week, the kitty miraculously started to get well. However, he was having trouble moving because his back legs were dragging behind him. Dawn was informed by the veterinarian that the kitten’s back legs were paralyzed and that euthanasia was advised. Motivated by the Philadelphia Eagles’ spirit of combat, she gave him the moniker Rocky.
Creating a Community Around a Particular Cat
Dawn was motivated to post Rocky’s story online by his happiness and tenacity. She discovered hundreds of followers on TikTok and Instagram who came together in support of Rocky’s tale. People started asking her for tips on how to take care of their own pets with specific requirements. Dawn recounted, “One woman told me her cat had been paralyzed, and the veterinarian recommended euthanasia.” “But that cat is doing well now because I helped her get through it.”
Love, Therapy, and a Wheelchair Designed for a Fighter
In an attempt to help Rocky walk, Dawn took him to acupuncture, physical therapy, and even aquatic treatment. She got him a small wheelchair with his name inscribed on it, but none of the treatments were able to entirely restore his mobility. Rocky, however, just wanted to enjoy life and didn’t care about restrictions. There were moments when he would ignore his wheelchair and run around the house on his front paws as if he had no cares at all. Dawn remarked, “We stopped forcing the wheelchair because he’s happy the way he is.”
Loved, pampered, and enjoying life to the fullest
Dawn takes Rocky with her everywhere she goes, including on flights, due to his support needs. To make traveling simpler for him, the family just purchased an RV. Rocky is the focal point of the family at home; Dawn holds him in her arms every night, and everyone in the house adapts to take care of him. Dawn chuckles and says, “I haven’t cuddled with my husband in five years, but now is Rocky’s time.” He gets it if he wants it.