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Three months after being discharged from the hospital, three-year-old Ryleigh Hillcoat-Bee tragically died. Later, it was found that she and her family suffered greatly as a result of the doctors’ failure to identify a rare ailment in her.
Ryleigh’s parents hurried her to the hospital after she became ill while on vacation in North Wales. However, important blood indicators of rhabdomyolysis, a potentially dangerous muscular condition, were missed by the medical team. Ryleigh was released without the required assistance in spite of these red flags.
Ryleigh’s parents, Caroline and Andrew, didn’t quickly return her to the hospital until three months later, when she started having breathing problems. She tragically died at Blackpool Victoria Hospital on November 8, 2021, after suffering a heart attack.
Area coroner Alan Wilson highlighted a number of lost chances to look at Ryleigh’s illness before her initial release during the ensuing inquiry. Medical negligence attorney Diane Rostron noted that the institution had been explicitly advised by peers to see a neuromuscular specialist. The hospital could have diagnosed rhabdomyolysis and received guidance on handling flare-ups if they had heeded this instruction. Ryleigh’s care would have been very different with this crucial knowledge, and her parents would have been better equipped to manage her illness.
Ryleigh’s distraught parents, Caroline and Andy, are adamant that their daughter’s death might have been avoided. They conveyed their deep sadness and their resolve to see that the causes of her premature death be thoroughly investigated. They are convinced that if the hospital had given Ryleigh the proper care, he should still be alive today.
Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust President Chris Barben offered his sincere sympathies to Ryleigh’s family and everyone impacted by this tragedy. The Trust is totally dedicated to carefully weighing the Coroner’s conclusions and putting policies in place to stop future occurrences of this kind.
In 2022, Caroline’s sister-in-law, Katie Hobbs, raised money for The Compassionate Friends by planning a charity event and running the Royal Parks Half Marathon. During the most trying period of their lives, Ryleigh’s parents received tremendous support from this charity.
In her passionate eulogy, Katie praised Ryleigh as a delightful little child who made everyone happy with her contagious grin. By connecting Ryleigh’s parents with other grieving families and providing them with a retreat, The Compassionate Friends’ empathetic efforts allowed them to share their sorrow with people who shared their suffering.
Let’s take a lesson from this tragic event in honor of Ryleigh and strive to make sure that no other child or family suffers from such a terrible loss as a result of lost possibilities.