It was a nightmare to live next to Claire—until everything changed. The neighbor that everyone shunned one day unexpectedly turned into a beloved neighbor. I had no doubt that she had a secret agenda. However, as I learned more, I came to a realization that made me reevaluate all I had assumed about her.
At five in the morning, what could possible go wrong? If Claire is your neighbor, everything. I had no intention of waking up early, but Claire had other ideas.
The sound that woke me up was so loud that it rocked the walls and made my heart race. I rubbed my eyes and staggered out of bed, groaning.
When I looked out the window, I was astounded to see that the fence between Claire’s and my houses was being torn down by construction workers using drills and jackhammers. Debris and dust were flying everywhere.
With a steaming mug of coffee in hand, Claire stood on her porch like the queen of chaos, watching the scene as if it were her morning amusement.
I opened my window and leaned outside, feeling the chilly morning air on my cheeks. “What’s happening? Are you even aware of the time? I yelled.
Claire’s expression remained composed as though this was all normal as she looked up from her porch. “It’s too noisy! “I’m unable to hear you!” she cried.
I lost patience. I rushed outdoors after grabbing my robe and throwing it on.
As I strode to her porch, the crunch of gravel beneath my slippers just made me more irate. Have you gone entirely insane? I glared at her and yelled.
She arched an eyebrow. “What have you done on my land? “I’m going to call the police!” she responded sharply.
“Excellent! Tell them where my fence went while you’re at it! I lost my temper.
“It belongs to us,” she shrugged. “I made the decision to swap it out.”
“You didn’t consider asking? It’s also my property! With my hands balled into fists, I yelled.
Claire made no attempt to protest. As though I were a bothersome fly buzzing around her, she simply waved me away and walked back into her house as if nothing had occurred.
Claire had made it her mission to ruin my life over the years. Her sprinkler had “accidentally” soaked my flower beds.
Like today, she began loud renovations without telling anyone at the break of day.
She even once phoned the police because I was performing music on a Saturday at six o’clock! Everyone was aware of the long litany of her transgressions.
She was shunned by the neighbors like the plague. Nobody wanted to put up with her rudeness or her total indifference to other people.
I, on the other hand, was the opposite. I became the local go-to person because I was kind, considerate, and willing to provide a hand.
I drew us all together by starting a reading club, throwing summer barbecues, and planning a charity marathon.
Naturally, Claire attempted to ruin every occasion. That was the case, at least, until one day everything changed.
Even though I was just gone for a week due to a work trip, something seemed off when I returned. I felt as though I had entered an other reality.
Outside, Claire—the Claire—and her neighbors were giggling. Certain that I was seeing things, I massaged my eyes.
However, there she was, presenting the Smiths with pies. Slack-jawed, I watched as she assisted Mrs. Williams in clearing snow from her driveway.
In fact, people were grinning and thanking her. It was illogical. I gave a headshake. It must have been a dream. or a practical joke.
I was getting ready for a peaceful night when I heard a knock on my door. When I opened the door, I saw Claire standing on my porch with a pie in her hand.
“What are you looking for?” Without trying to disguise my annoyance, I asked.
She offered the pie as a sacrifice for peace. “This was baked for you. With a smile that made my stomach turn, she remarked, “I thought we could sit down and have tea together.”
I crossed my arms. “What did you use to poison it?”
In fact, she made a quiet, almost real laugh. “Why would I contaminate it?”
I responded without hesitation, “Because you’re a witch who hates everyone.”
Claire paused her smile. “That is untrue. I have no hatred for anyone.
“Really?” I fired back. “You painted ‘I hate you, cow’ on my house a few months ago. Does that sound familiar?
Claire made an uncomfortable move. “I’m attempting to transform. Can’t we simply have tea and forget about the past?
I abruptly slammed the door in her face and yelled, “No.”
Years of suffering couldn’t be undone by a pie. She had the audacity to believe it would.
I made the decision to throw a dinner party that weekend. To create the ideal ambiance, I devoted hours to organizing the food and décor.
I wrote about it on the neighborhood chat, anticipating the typical outpouring of excitement. Instead, vague reasons buzzed over my phone.
John finally revealed the true cause.
We’re all heading over to Claire’s apartment this weekend for a movie night. I apologize.
My jaw tensed as I gazed at the television. Claire? Organizing? Claire was immediately accepted by everyone?
Since no one can tolerate Claire, she isn’t even included in this group. What was different?
The responses infuriated me.
Lately, she has been really nice! Always willing to help!
Absolutely! She has changed completely!
How can she be included in this group?
Furious, I switched off my phone. There must have been a motive behind Claire’s actions. It wasn’t authentic. It isn’t possible.
A few days later, I organized my book club, which had been my haven for years, but nobody showed up, which was the last straw.
Snacks were laid beautifully, the living room was immaculate, and my favorite chair was ready for a stimulating conversation.
However, time passed, and still no one arrived. I reached for my phone in frustration and sent the group a message.
Where is everyone?
Mila’s casual response appeared minutes later.
Oh, we didn’t remember to tell you. We’re talking about “Little Women” at Claire’s tonight.
That was it. It was more than I could handle. I barely stopped to collect my breath before storming into Claire’s house after storming out of mine.
“What on earth is happening? When did everyone start like Claire? My voice echoed through her overly happy living room as I yelled.
Claire’s enraged smile shifted to face me. “What’s wrong, Helen, my love?” She tilted her head as if she had no worries in the world and inquired gently.
“I’m not your sweetheart!” I pointed a finger at her and yelled.
My frustration exploded as I turned to face the group. Have you forgotten Claire’s statement to the world that your daughter isn’t your husband’s, Mila? Do you recall, Jessica, how she splattered paint on you because your skirt was “too short”? Have you forgiven her for cursing you for being gay, Peter?
Mila shifted in her chair uneasily. She added, avoiding eye contact, “I believe the past should remain in the past.”
Everybody else gave a nod.
“What’s wrong with you all?” I threw up my hands and demanded. “She is a witch! She’s working on something!
Claire moved forward and held up a hand to reassure me. She whispered, “Please, let’s keep this civil.”
“Civil? You have no idea what the word means! I lost my temper. “You are ruthless, self-centered, and cunning!”
She wrinkled her face, then started crying and fled the room.
Jessica got up and grabbed her coat. She whispered, “Why were you so cruel to her?”
“Helen, she’s changed. With a disappointed look in my direction, Mila said, “You could have been kinder.”
Peter followed them with a sigh. “You’re behaving like Claire from before.”
One by one, they all departed, leaving me standing in the center of the space, surrounded by her dazzling decorations and warmth, which all of a sudden seemed unreal. Claire came back a few moments later, her hands shaking and her eyes burning.
“Why are you treating me like this?” Claire enquired.
“Treating you like this?!” I retaliated, my rage erupting. “For years, you plagued me! You’ve now made everyone hostile to me! Claire, what are you going to do? To utterly destroy my life?
Claire screamed, “I don’t have a plan!” and her face crumbled. You know I’m sick? At most, I have six months left!
The words hit me like a slap and I froze. “What?” With all the strength gone from my voice, I whispered.
Indeed! She wiped her eyes and added, “I just learned about it. I also don’t want to be the local witch when I die. Helen, I’m lonely. I don’t have a husband or children. I’ve been making people dislike me for years. All I want to do now is accomplish something constructive before it’s too late. I want to leave a better impression on others.
“Is anyone aware?” In reference to her ailment, I asked in a low voice.
“No. I’m not looking for sympathy. I don’t want anyone to believe I’m acting pity-wise. She looked me in the eye and said, “I want it to be real.”
“I apologize. I had no idea. Unsure of what else to say, I started.
Her voice was flat as she stated, “It doesn’t matter.” “Just leave.”
“You won’t even request that I keep it a secret?” I hesitated before asking.
“What’s the point? “You wouldn’t listen anyhow,” she remarked in a dejected tone.
I wanted to say anything at all, but I was at a loss for words. I turned and silently walked out of her house, feeling insignificant and worthless.
I was plagued with remorse for days. I had wounded Claire when she least expected it, and she had been making an effort to change.
It was time for me to accept that she was becoming someone else. I had to set things right.
I got the neighbors together on Christmas morning. We donned bells, striped socks, and caps to simulate elves.
We strolled to Claire’s house together. With a look that alternated between astonishment and perplexity, she opened the door.
She said, “What are you all doing here?”
I gave her an elf costume and smiled slightly as I remarked, “Your idea—we’re here to spread kindness.”
We delivered gifts to children at the hospital throughout the day. When we got together for dinner at my house later, Claire’s kindness was commended by the neighbors.
“It was actually Helen’s idea too,” Claire added with a warm smile on her face.
Claire’s last Christmas was that one. Who Claire decided to be in those last few months was more important than who she had previously been.
Long after she passed away, the neighbors continued to recall her as a kind and compassionate person.